Overview of Stem Cell Therapy


Naturally, body tissues suffer wear and tear throughout life. They defend themselves by developing the intrinsic capacity to self-renew those structures that wear out. If this kind of self-renewal does not exist, the life expectancy of living beings would be considerably reduced. All living things are made up of cells, and all cells in the body have exactly the same genetic information. However, they do not all behave the same. 

We know that the regulation of growth and cell division (cell cycle) is very complex. In the cell cycle there are restriction points that prevent the normal continuation of the cycle for various reasons such as: if the cells have not reached enough size, lack of nutrients, DNA damage or external chemical damage through epigenetic factors, etc. 

Normal development is a balanced process that includes cell proliferation and death. The processes of cell proliferation and death by apoptosis is even more complex and involves the participation of many genes. In both processes, the p53 suppressor gene is one of the most important and studied genes or proteins. This transcription factor activates a variety of genes resulting in inhibition of cell cycle progression and repair or apoptosis.

The signals that activate p53 function include DNA damage which participates in the inhibition of cell cycle progression during the G1 phase. When a cell is damaged it depends on the intensity of the damage as to whether the cycle is stopped or apoptosis is induced. The end result of the different mechanisms of action of p53 is to maintain the genomic stability of the cells. Therefore, the deficiency of this protein contributes to genomic instability, the accumulation of mutations and the acceleration of tumorigenesis. Furthermore, p53 is mutated in 50-55 percent of all types of cancer in humans and these mutations are located mainly in the DNA-binding domain, which results in the loss of their biological activity.

As you can see, the previous example is only a case that refers to cellular disorders that lead to diseases that are often incurable and can at best be put into remission with treatments such as chemotherapy. However, it is important to point out that there are many factors that trigger disorders in the normal and healthy development of cells which can be positively effected. We now know that these mutations are due to one or more deficiencies in the elemental function of the cell and the deterioration of the cell's own environment.

A large part of the wide range of diseases that affect humans are based on cell degeneration and the consequent death of the different tissues that make up our body, either acutely (heart attacks) or chronically (degeneration due to diseases and aging). This is why cell and organ stem cells can be effective as they can restore, regenerate and even mitigate many of the cellular dysfunctions that can come about either from cellular degeneration, poorly regulated cell cycles, genetic predisposition, and epigenetic factors. Looking at how the body can be negatively affected by a multitude of these factors it is important to understand how cell and organ stem cells work to address this.

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The components of the various formulas of the cell and organ stem cells reach the cells, either by direct or indirect blood route and are incorporated by them, through the various means of cellular transport, depending on the size of the molecules of the elements in question. In the case of large molecules, their incorporation into cells will be by receptor-mediated endocytosis, following the chain: vesicle, endosome and lysosome. 

In the case of smaller molecules, their incorporation will be by simple diffusion or diffusion facilitated by proteins. Cellular extracts that have entered cells through endocytosis are made up of molecules biochemically larger in size as to retain their biochemical functionality in the cell once incorporated and modified by the cell as needed - by extracting energy from the bonds of those biochemical components while retaining their needed functionality. Both matter and energy are used by the cell, through a process called cellular digestion, which breaks down the molecules by the action of the hydrolase enzymes contained in the lysosomes which ultimately leads to cellular restoration through the use of the biochemical components needed by that cell.


Cell and organ stem cells act as a cellular restoration treatment, which is a type of therapeutic method in complementary medicine that acts as an adjuvant for preventive action on potential disease patterns that can result from dysfunction in anabolic (building) and catabolic (destroying) pathways of the cell. This type of cellular restoration provides fundamental nutrients for cell life through opotherapeutics (animal glandular extracts). Specifically, opotherapeutic embryonic actives, peptides, phyto-organic compounds, enzymes and powerful antioxidants are used to neutralize the action of free radicals, environmental toxins, and metabolic waste. All of these factors are part of the non-chemical opotherapeutic formulas that stimulate cell revitalization and regeneration as well as strengthen the nucleus of the cell, the cell's cycles and the specific functions of the cell in its renewal stage and subsequent mitosis. These 100% compatible components are included in the cell and organ stem cells to enhance the traditional formulas of organotherapy and cell therapy of opotherapeutic origin. The fundamental objective is to revitalize healthy and/or damaged organs, optimizing the function of the tissues affected by possible structural changes, especially for those areas predisposed by genetics or epigenetic factors.

Cellular restoration has an effect in the medium- and long-term by stimulating the mechanisms of revitalization and healing through the body's own innate healing abilities. Its therapeutic action works as it is entered into the bloodstream and it is accepted into those cells as its own whereby it can never injure the recipient organism but only improve the quality of life in various types of degenerative diseases. The cell and organ stem cells do not have the activity of a drug as they are cellular constituents made up of proteins and other cellular extracts. Medicines and chemical products work only when they are broken down by the body’s metabolic processes thereby stimulating a response in the body that the body cannot produce on its own. In contrast, cell and organ stem cells provide the genuine replacement parts that the cells and the organs need in order to work like they were originally designed to do. Cellular restoration can help to transform those diseased or aging organs into healthy organs and with great functional capacity by supplying cells with proteins, amino acids, biopeptides, enzymes and a large number of biochemical substrates and nutrients that will be used by the cells deficient in these elements stimulating correct cellular renovation, giving health to the organs and glands that are the target of the treatment.

The benefits of the cellular restoration is seen after several weeks, since it passes slowly from the cell to the tissue, from the tissue to the organ and from the organ to the system. The most important result with cellular restoration is the revitalization of the defense mechanisms of the immune system, hence the inclusion of thymus peptides in the therapies (see The Goal Is A Healthy Immune Response section below and our Immune System page for further discussion).


The organic deterioration that people experience over time is mainly due to the damage produced by free radicals on cellular tissues. These free radicals are highly reactive molecules, which over time, with cumulative effects, can damage tissues and organs, affecting their functions. This damage is known as cellular oxidation or oxidative stress and it is mainly responsible for aging and the diseases associated with age.

The production of free radicals in cells increases as the person is exposed to more epigenetic factors such as environmental and industrial pollutants like: smoke, pesticides, chemicals, fatty foods, sunlight, cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress, etc. and therefore the increased aging and deterioration of the body that results. For this reason, the average lifespan of people is shorter in poor countries, with high environmental pollution, and less healthy habits.

The deterioration of the organs due to the effect of free radicals is not always uniform, but some organs, due to hereditary conditions, trauma or infectious and degenerative diseases, deteriorate more than others. For these cases, cell and organ stem cells offer a set of revitalizing therapies, which benefit specific organs or the entire body.

Therapies with cell and organ stem cells act directly on the cells, inducing a cleaning of the accumulated biological material, promoting “autophagy”, through which the cell digests the waste material, which once reduced to its basic elements, is reused to make new proteins, enzymes, lipids, etc. In this way, cells devoid of accumulated biological material can progressively regain their functionality, supported by the various components of the therapies.

The embryonic tissues in cell and organ stem cells together with the enzymes, coenzymes, catalytic nutrients and with the incorporation of biopeptides, activate and significantly reduce the future damage of free radicals by neutralizing a large part of them which in turn strengthens the immune system.

The Goal Is A Healthy Immune Response

The immune system helps protect your body from foreign or harmful substances. Some examples are bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, and someone else’s blood or tissues. The immune system produces cells and antibodies that destroy these harmful substances.

As you age, your immune system’s response slows down. This increases your risk of getting sick. Flu shots or other vaccines may not work as well or protect you for as long as expected.

  • An autoimmune disease can occur in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy tissues in the body.
  • There are fewer immune cells in the body for healing or detecting and correcting cell defects, and this can lead to an increased risk of cancer.

After the average age of 40, the immune system becomes less effective in the following ways:

  • The immune system loses the ability to distinguish itself from foreign antigens. As a consequence, autoimmune disorders are more common.
  • Macrophages (which ingest bacteria and other non-body cells) take longer to kill bacteria, cancer cells, and other antigens. This delay may be one of the reasons that cancer is more common after age 40.
  • T lymphocytes (reminiscent of antigens they have encountered before) respond more slowly to antigens.
  • Fewer white blood cells (leukocytes) are able to respond to the new antigens. Therefore, when the body of the elderly encounters a new antigen, it is less able to remember it and to defend itself against its attack.
  • As you age you have smaller amounts of complement proteins and not as many are produced as at younger ages in response to bacterial infections.
  • Although the amount of antibodies that are produced in response to an antigen remains the same, the antibodies lose the ability to attack the antigen. These changes also partly explain why vaccines are less effective as we age.

Looking at the overall health of the body, having a healthy immune response is paramount as the immune system is not so much a system but an alliance amongst the body's different organ systems. The inclusion of thymus peptides in the cell and organ stem cells is critical in restoring any dysfunction amongst the alliances of the organ systems. Thymus peptides induce the expression of specific T lymphocyte receptors in immature lymphocyte precursors, as well as the differentiation of T lymphocytes. Therefore, it is important to include in the formula's extracts the thymus gland and chains of peptides extracted from the thymus gland utilizing short chains to regulate lymphocytes. Many illnesses can be traced directly or indirectly to a disorder of the immune system.

The use of peptides, thymus extracts, enzymes and other components in the formulas of all of the cell and organ stem cells provide an important regulator of the immune system mechanism. Three central areas of indication have taken shape thanks to the dominant regulatory capacity of thymus peptides: malignant tumors (lung, breast, stomach, intestines, kidney, bladder and prostate), recurrent chronic infections and rheumatism.

Among patients with malignancy, addressing their health under the presumption of primary and secondary immune failure is only beneficial to their condition. A weakened immune system is an ideal “growing medium” for opportunistic infections, which rarely take a chronic course or always recur. Treatment methods that only attack pathogens have only a symptomatic effect. However, they often have the characteristic of weakening the immune system, making the next infection inevitable and often so. Conversely, cellular restoration provides a supply of vital substances for proper cell mitosis, for energy and maintains their structure and functions stimulating the regeneration of tissues and organs handling the dysfunction at the source - the cellular level.

In the case of rheumatism, still unknown factors produce an inflammatory reaction in the joint, which in turn has an activation of the cellular and humoral defense power. B lymphocytes produce an antibody, then the increasing immune complexes are phagocytosed by granulocytes. This leads to a release of lysosomal enzymes and inflammation factors, and then the vicious cycle runs its course leading to inflammation, collateral tissue damage from the immune response and ultimately the dysfunction of the tissue due to that response. In this case, treatment with thymus peptides is appropriate, as thymic hormones and thymic factors modulate the cellular and humoral immune response and prevent the escalation of self-destruction.


Aging of the body is an inevitability and the wear and tear of the body and its tissues is a product of the aging process. The most important pathway that has been looked at regarding cell health is the p53 suppressor gene function. When taking care of the health of the body, we need to take into account the genetic predisposition of the individual as well as the epigenetic factors that can influence a person's health. Cell and organ stem cells are essentially the closest we have come, thus far, to a fountain of youth for the body as it addresses the main problems that we all face regarding health - the health and efficiency of how the body functions at the cellular level. Given the body's design, cell and organ stem cells can easily be absorbed and utilized at the cellular level either by diffusion, endocytosis and cellular mediated transport via the blood stream. It is evident that there are many components to take into consideration when addressing an individual’s body and their overall health. The immune system is quite often the most overlooked component when looking at the overall picture as it is not so much a system but an indicator of the overall health of the body as the organ systems work together to allow for the body to have an immune system. Cell and organ stem cell therapy has taken this into consideration and it is what generates the success of the cell and organ stem cells on each individual tissue through the use of thymus peptides. Cellular oxidation is a very important factor to address when looking at the picture of cellular health and the overall health of the individual. If there are certain cell and organ stem cells that are indicated for the body it is a guarantee that those tissues are significantly in need of the nutrients provided by the cell and organ stem cells. Depending on what stem cells are needed it can take anywhere from 3-6 months to bring those tissues to a higher functional capacity and up to 12 months to bring them to their optimal functional capabilities. By the age of 40 it has been shown that endocrine organs begin to decline, hence the onset of menopause in women and andropause in men, and stem cells that regenerate those tissues are recommended without question. Beyond the age of 40 each organ needs to be analyzed and restored per each individual indication whether by genetic predisposition or epigenetic factors and in some cases organs may need to be addressed earlier in life in the case of diagnosed chronic diseases. 

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